The Event Management Calendar is a Web Application used by officials, residents and staff in several U.S. Counties. It is a multi-user calendar system that displays and tracks events in a county. Easy to setup and use, it  provides advanced features and flexibility to serve the purposes of a wide base of users. It can be used to modify and participate in events hosted by a county and it can cross over into the commercial space as well.  See it for yourself:


  • Calendar View (Day, Week, Month & Year)
  • User Securities
  • Search events
  • Quick event filtering
  • View events
  • Grid & List Views
  • Add/Edit Events
  • Suggest Events
  • Easy to add more Category, Sub Category, Audience etc
  • Subscription of event notification emails
  • Reminder mail notifications
  • RSS Feed

Product Support

  • Prototyping as per requirements
  • Database Architecture
  • Develop test Plans & Test application
  • Migrate data
  • System Implementation
  • Maintenance support

Key Benefits

  • Flexible form design
  • Swift search
  • Unfussy navigation
  • Multiple event display per day
  • Currently used by wide range of County Audience
  • Perk-up county activities
  • Free consultation
  • Live demo
  • Free consultation
  • Instant deliverability
  • Onsite Implementation