The team at Zentere has provided cutting edge solutions to:

  • Alenze
  • AOL
  • CCG 
  • Diamler Benz Aviation
  • ECMD
  • Electronic Transactions Association
  • Fast Switch
  • ISC2
  • Mips Global
  • National Association of Medical Staff Services
  • New York City Department for the Aging
  • Nisco Corporation
  • Office Depot
  • OnPoint Corporation
  • Tech Prox
  • Tantus 
  • The Urban Land Institute
  • The Fisher Center Foundation for Alzheimer’s Research
  • Sixth & I
  • State Farm Insurance
  • Sun Microsystems
  • Unisys Corporation
  • Xtreme Solutions


  • Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
  • Arlington County
  • GSA